Why you need a knowledge base

A knowledge base is an online library with useful and comprehensive information on your company's products and services. The data in the database is structured to help employees (internal training articles) or customers (external articles) find answers to their questions. Fill it with articles and answers to frequently asked questions to reduce the burden on operators.


The internal knowledge base is designed specifically for company employees and is not available to outside users. As a rule, it contains the following information:

  • Materials for onboarding new employees.
  • Data on employment, vacations, sick leave and salaries.
  • Job descriptions and general rules.
  • Training materials for different departments and specialists: how to hire employees, how to communicate with customers, how to draw up contracts.
  • Internal documents.
  • Innovations or news of the company.

External knowledge base helps the company's clients. As a rule, is in public access, but some categories can be displayed only for authorized groups of users. May contain information such as:

  • Answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Training materials: how to use the service or program.
  • Information about the company's products and services.

To customize the help portal in DaoDesk, click on the “Knowledge Base” button on the left panel and go to the Knowledge Base management” menu:

After activation of the knowledge base, it is necessary to set its structure and contribute content - publish articles (see the “Knowledge Base” instruction).

Answers to questions appear in the database, change, and then may become unnecessary. There should be no outdated information: new employees and customers always rely on the knowledge base. Customers often ask in the chat what is written on the same page of the site from which they enter the chat, this is normal: people may doubt the relevance of the information or simply inattentive reading. Periodically check that the text on the site and in the database coincides, so as not to lose the trust of the client on a flat spot.

Be one step ahead: for example, if DaoDesk has a new functionality, we try to place information about it in the knowledge base even before the official announcement - this will help to reduce the load on technical support.

We recommend the whole team to work on the knowledge base - do not entrust it to one person, especially if he/she does not work with the product or is not well acquainted with it. Answers to frequent customer questions can be prepared by support staff. Instructions on how to use the product can be assigned to developers, and ask for information on employment and internal processes from your recruiter and accountant.

Last but not least, keep your writing simple. Imagine that the text is being read by someone who is encountering the topic for the first time. And don't forget to supplement your writing with graphics - photos, videos and examples will make the knowledge base clearer and more visual.