Online chat

As a channel for receiving inquiries, you can connect online chat to your site. DaoDesk provides a fully ready and flexible tool that will help your site visitors to quickly get an answer to their question. You don't have to look for a support e-mail and write a letter, call anywhere or wait for someone to call you back, just write your question in the chat and get an answer right away. 

Pros of putting online chat on the website:

  • Communicating with customers at any time. A customer service operator at night can be replaced by a chatbot, which you can also create and customize in DaoDesk. It will help the customer get answers to typical questions, and the operator will join the conversation during business hours if necessary.
  • Help with an order, service, or product selection. The operator can help the customer answer their questions, suggest substitutions, alternatives or other ways to solve the problem.
  • Feedback from users. At the end of the dialog, the client will be able to evaluate the work of the support service, and you can use this data to build a report and analyze the quality of customer service.
  • Ability to communicate with several clients at once. On the phone an operator can pay attention to only one client at a time, and with the help of chat you can conduct several correspondences at once.
  • Increased speed of communication due to auto-replies and quick buttons. Sometimes a customer doesn't even have to write a question: the buttons help him choose a topic and describe the problem. And autoresponses save time for both the customer and the support employee.

The advantages of using online chat speak for themselves. Now let's look at how you can install the widget on your site, how it will look and what settings are available for it.

You can go to the settings by opening the Omni menu (on the left panel) → Settings → Widget and Chat Settings:


Here are the basic tools for customizing the chat, including the widget code. It should be copied and placed in the body block on your site:

At the very bottom of the page is a separate button with a preview of the widget's appearance, where you can experiment with the settings in real time before publishing the chat to the site.



Q: Is it possible to pass user data to the widget?
A: In the system there is a possibility to transfer user's name and e-mail to the widget using data attributes. To do this, you need to add fields to the widget code, in the script tag:

data-prepend-message=“Body of the message to be sent”. 
This will allow you to automatically substitute user data in the widget and the client will not have to re-enter his data each time to address in the chat.


Other attributes of the chat widget:

data-host - domain;
data-lang - widget language (en, ru);
data-position - widget location (bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, top-left);
data-custom-container - ID of button elements to launch the container;
data-custom-inner-container - additional attribute, thanks to which you can add your own class to the widget, which will allow you to use different styles for different widgets (on different sites), switch between light and dark themes, use a separate version of the widget for the visually impaired, etc. 
data-custom-button - ID of button elements to start chat;
data-width - widget width (for contact widget data-chat-width);
data-height - height of the widget (for contacts widget data-chat-height);
data-comment - the content of the comment (or using the GET parameter in the link - comment=Your%20comment);
data-id - allows you to “pull” the history of requests. To do this, generate a session via API and substitute it into data-id


Q: Is it possible to display online chat only on certain pages of the site?

A: This option is available in the widget settings in the “Scripts” menu.


Q: How can I change text captions in the widget?

A: You can change the captions in the widget, as well as other text elements of the system, by editing the language file in the “Language” menu.


Q: How do I change the language of the widget?

A: The language of the widget can be changed by editing the attribute data-lang=“en” in the script. To do this, specify the desired language instead of en (English).


Q: Is it possible not to display employee names in chat?

A: Instead of names, employees can specify an alias in their card in the “Contacts” menu. The set alias will be displayed to the client instead of the agent's real name:


Q: How is the logic of the history of previous client's requests organized?

A: The history of appeals is loaded depending on how the user was authorized to the system:

1) If the user was authorized via API, then all his requests from the chat channel are available to him.

2) If the user accesses from the chat widget on the site, only those accesses that he/she made within the session are available to him/her. The session is set in the browser when entering the page with the chat widget and can be reset when clearing the cache or using another browser.

In case 2 users requests to the chat widget on the site, specifying the same e-mail, 2 requests will be created. They will be independent, both users will not know that some other parallel requests have been created and will see only their own requests. However, if at this time the user will be also authorized via API, he will see all requests, and his answers will always go to the last open request. If the last request is closed, a new one will be created.

Loading of previous requests is available via a button in the chat widget, loading via scrolling (chat scrolling) will not work. If a visitor, regardless of the authorization method, has the last request closed, it will be immediately loaded. The logic of grouping requests on the system side is based on the user's e-mail.