Actions in dispatcher

Actions in the dispatcher are categorized:


  • Change SLA to close - change the SLA time (due date) in the request to the specified one;
  • Change department - change the department of the request to the specified one;
  • Change request executor - setting the responsible employee for the request;
  • Change executor to a less loaded one considering the distribution interval - distribution of requests between employees considering the distribution time, status of a specialist, maximum number of requests in work, their status and sources of receipt, taking into account the possibility to set a restriction so that certain requests are not included in the distribution by specifying their status;
  • Change the executor to the previous one by parameters - by specifying the status of the employee and the time of the last answer the system will distribute the request from the client to the same specialist who completed it earlier, if the client returned with a new question after the set time interval;
  • Change first response - change the content of the first response in the request to the specified one;
  • Change the priority of the request - change the priority of the request to the specified one;
  • Change request creator to the first e-mail address found in the first response of the request - change the request creator to the user with the e-mail address specified in the first response of the request;
  • Change the creator of the request to the specified user with e-mail - change the creator of the request to the specified e-mail;
  • Change request creator by the template from the first request response - change the creator to the mail by the specified template. For example: “Email from: @email”;
  • Change request status - change the request status to the specified one;
  • Change request subject - change the request subject to the specified one;
  • Change request type - change the request type to the specified one.


  • Send Browser Notification - Sends a reminder to a user or selected users;
  • Send browser notification to a group of users - sends a reminder to a group of users;
  • Send Webhook - sends a webhook specifying the request method, the format of the transmitted data, the authorization method, and the URL;
  • Send email:
    • to request creator - sends an email to the request creator (client);
    • to executor - send a letter to the request executor;
    • to all unsubscribers in the request - sending a letter to all participants who have written at least one answer in the request;
    • to managers of the request creator - sending a letter to managers of the company of the request creator;
    • to mentioned users - sending an e-mail to users who were mentioned in the request using the Partner Mention function: @ + user's name (or mail);
  • Send e-mail to a group of users - sends an e-mail to the selected group of users;
  • Send e-mail to department clients - sends an e-mail to all clients of the selected department;
  • Send e-mail to department employees - send an e-mail to all employees of the selected department;
  • Send e-mail to an employee - send an e-mail to the specified employee.


  • Add comment - add a comment to the request on behalf of the request creator/executor/system;
  • Add tags - add an existing or new tag to the request;
  • Add reply - add a reply to the request on behalf of the creator of the request/executor/system;
  • Add rating - add rating and comment to the request from the system or request creator;
  • Delete tags - delete a tag in the request.

Other actions:

  • Freeze request - the request will be frozen;
  • Unfreeze request - the request will be unfrozen;
  • Create user from the first response according to the template - a user will be created from the first response in the request with the data specified according to the template - his/her mail, name, phone number and company;
  • Delete request - deletes the request:
  • Delete grade - deletes the grade from the application.


Change individual fields:
Change the value of an individual field to the specified value;

Modify an individual field using the template from the last response: 
Change field value by template: @value;

Modify an individual field using the template from the last comment:
Change the value of the field by template: @value.


You can use tags when creating an email and header, they allow you to get some information on the application in automatic mode (unique number, title, contents, dates and other service information). To use these keywords, use the icon next to the Subject line:

The same keywords can be used in the content of the email. In order for the response from the recipient to come within the same correspondence in the application, you should include the tag [#{unique_id}] in the email header, as in the screenshot above.