
It is often necessary to integrate DaoDesk with third-party systems, for example, to send a notification when an urgent request is received. For this purpose DaoDesk knows how to call webhook.


Webhooks allow you to notify/call external systems about events in DaoDesk. With their help you can send SMS notifications to customers/employees, integrate with CRM system and so on.

Webhooks are in the dispatcher and are one of its actions (“Send Webhook”), this allows you to flexibly customize the sending of webhooks using dispatcher conditions.

When adding a webhook you need to:

  • Select HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.
  • Specify a link where the request will be sent. You can use tags in the link.
  • Specify the format of sent data: JSON, XML, X-FORM-URLENCODED.
  • If authorization is required, select the authorization type: username, password/API key.
  • Form a request with data in the selected format using tags. In case of X-FORM-URLENCODED, “&” should be used as a separator for variables.

If the server to which the request is sent responds with HTTP code 2XX/3XX, the request is considered successful, in other case, for example, if the server is unavailable, the request will be repeated approximately every 30 minutes from 3 to 5 attempts.


The following authorization methods are available:

  • Basic Authentication (Username:Password)
  • Bearer Authentication (Bearer Token)


Example of a webhook to send a notification to an agent in Telegram when a new request is received



The following URL should be used:

https://api.telegram.org/bot*/sendMessage, where * is the bot key (API Token).


“chat_id":* is responsible for the id of the user (employee) to whom the notification of the request will be sent.

To find out the id, you should first write from the Telegram account of the required user to the system, then view this information in his user card and insert it into the rule itself:


Or you can find out the id, for example, by contacting the Telegram bot @myidbot.