To create a new request or to contact a client, click on the “Create request” button. By default your user is specified in the client field, instead of it start entering e-mail or client's name, in case the client is not in the system yet, use the link “Add an end user” and create a new one:
Specify the subject of the application (email), content, attach files and fill in the parameters.
There are two options for creating an request:
- The first request is created on behalf of the client, as if he/she has contacted you and you are creating a request at his/her request. This option is used by default. In this case the request will look as if the client initiated the correspondence. A notification letter “Creating a request on behalf of a client” will be sent:
- The second option is to initiate request by an agent. The request will be bound to the client, but in this case the employee initiates the correspondence to contact him/her. To do this, uncheck the “first reply from end user” option when creating the request. In this case the “Create request” mail template will be sent.