Personal settings

In the personal profile settings, it is possible to edit the user's basic information (name, avatar, password, time zone, etc.). In addition, an employee can specify a personalized signature when replying, which will be automatically added at the end of each reply (except for the Omni interface).

Each employee of the system can customize pop-up and sound notifications. For example, when a new request is received or a new answer is written in it.

Let's analyze all types of notifications in a bit more detail:

  • Pop-up notification about new requests - triggers when a new request is received in the system, provided that you have access to it.
  • Pop-up notification about a new response in a request - triggers when a new response is added to a request where you are the executor or the creator of the request.
  • Pop-up notification about any new reply in requests - triggers when a new reply is added to all requests available to you. This notification only works in conjunction with the previous one, so if you want to be notified of all new replies, make sure you enable the notification of a new reply in a request.
  • Pop-up notification about assigning you as an executor of a request - it works when you are assigned as an executor of a request (both manually and automatically with the help of the dispatcher).
  • Pop-up notification about a new comment in a request - triggers when a new comment is added to the request, provided that you have access to it.
  • Sound notification - adds a sound signal when any of the notifications is triggered. If all notifications except the sound one are disabled, then the sound will be triggered only when you write a reply or comment in the request (except for requests from social networks, messenger and chat channels).

If you have personalized alerts enabled and still no popup or sound, check if alerts are blocked for your system (address like in your browser settings:



And if you want to achieve more flexible settings with notifications, we recommend you to turn to the “Dispatcher” menu. With the help of rules, you will be able to configure different sets of conditions, when fulfillment of which notifications will be sent to specific employees. For example:


In addition, you can create personalized filters, macros, and view your own scores on applications for a specified time period in your personal settings.