Global settings

The Global Settings menu allows you to set some general system settings, including customizing the appearance and connecting your own domain.




  • Company Name. The name of your company in the system, which will also be duplicated in the browser tab:


  • Default language. Default language of the system start page, as well as the language of new departments, fields, filters, contacts.
  • Time zone. The global time zone that will be set to all new contacts in the system by default;
  • Start page. Allows you to specify which elements and settings will be available on the start page. Among them:
    • Authorization only;
    • Authorization and public knowledge base;
    • Public knowledge base only.
  • Outbox. Outgoing email in global settings is responsible for sending notifications about user registration, automatic user registration and password reset. Accordingly, if the outgoing mail is not configured in the global settings or is configured incorrectly, users who have forgotten or lost their password will not be able to reset it by pressing the password recovery button, because the e-mail is sent from this very mailbox. We strongly recommend that you specify a correctly configured mail in the global settings.
  • Domain for automatic mail generation. If the domain is specified, the mail will be generated automatically when creating a new user in the system. In case the @auto.hde domain is used, mails will not be sent to such addresses.
  • API key. Available only to the main administrator (creator) of the system. Keys of other users can be found in the contact card or obtained via API;
  • Disable registration. Disables the registration form on the system start page;
  • Chat on public pages. Allows to display chat widget on public pages of the system (start page + knowledge base) for unauthorized users.



The section allows you to set the system logo (will be displayed on the panel in the upper left corner), favicon (icon in the browser tab) and page footer text (at the bottom).

Below that, tabs are available for editing the appearance of the system: you can set the background color and text of various menu items, applications and the login page.

You can also customize the appearance by editing the CSS code of the system. More details about this feature and examples of its use can be found in the article “Customizing the appearance”.


Personal domain

Here you'll have the option to connect your own domain name.