You can use the system to send a request for evaluation to a client after a request has been completed. Based on the client's choice, you can perform analysis in the “Reports” module, for example, create reports by employees (the number of positive and negative evaluations, as well as the satisfaction coefficient) or get the list of requests with evaluations.
Let's analyze different variants of creating a request for evaluation and their peculiarities in the system.
Automatically send an feedback request X hours after request closed
When a request is received from e-mail, you can set up automatic sending of a request for evaluation after a certain number of hours. When the request is closed, after the specified time the client will receive an email where he/she can click on the link (to evaluate positively or negatively) - there the client can leave a comment or just send an evaluation if necessary. You can change the letter template in the “Notifications” section:
To activate the function, go to the “Satisfaction Index” section and enable “Customer satisfaction score”, and set the time against the “Automatic Evaluation Request” setting (in hours):
Several evaluation formats are available to choose from:
1) Positive/Negative;
2) Positive/Neutral/Negative;
3) Five-point;
4) Ten-point;
For each of the formats there are several options for displaying the evaluation (how it will be displayed to the client in the form, inside the request and in the chat widget):
It is also possible to fully customize the appearance of the grade template by editing the html code, to do this, click on the “Edit Template” button and click on “Source Code” in the upper right corner:
This way you can customize the colors and look of the uniforms to match your organization's branding.
Request feedback in Telegram
The “Request an estimate in Telegram” setting allows you to automatically send an estimate request after closing requests that came from Telegram:
How it looks like: