Request interface

The request interface is divided into three blocks: information about the client/creator of the application and various functionality of working with the application on the left, the content of the application in the center and various fields/attributes on the right.


Let's briefly familiarize ourselves with the available functionality (for a more detailed study we recommend to read the information on the links):  

  • Audit - a page where the actions and time of employees on a given request are recorded: views, comments, actions, changes, etc.. Very useful in cases when one of the employees, for example, made a trouble, but will not admit it, and you need to track the order of actions.
  • Requests history. The button to view the previous requests of the current request creator/customer. The first number in brackets displays the number of unclosed requests, the second number displays the total number of the user.  
  • Request a feedback. These buttons can have a different interface (like/dislike, stars, fingers, etc.), but when pressed they will send a request to the request creator to rate the request.  
  • The “Follow” button is necessary for tracking a particular request and keeping abreast of all events related to it. Selected requests are displayed in a separate filter “Under Control”, and sent notifications on the request will be duplicated to your e-mail.  
  • Merging requests allows you to combine one or several requests into one request. This can be done, for example, if two support requests for the same problem from the same user have arrived to the support team or if the user duplicated the request to different channels.  
  • The “Delete” button deletes the request. Deleted requests are located in the “Trash” filter and can be restored from there if necessary. Requests deleted from the trash cannot be restored.  
  • The “Spam” button deletes the request and blocks the user (changes its status to “Blocked”) - new requests and answers will not be received from users with such status in the system.  
  • Billing” allows you to record the time spent and paid for by the request. For example, an engineer could go to the place of an accident, and then track how much time he spent on the road, on diagnostics, on repair works, etc.  
  • If you press the “Export request” button, you will be able to select a previously created template from the “Export templates” menu and save or print the information on the current request.  
  • The “Send status” button sends an e-mail to the client's mail with information on the request status. You can edit the content of this template in the “Notifications” menu.  
  • The “Lock” button will lock the request, after which you will not be able to perform any actions in it, including adding a reply.  
  • If you want to view all the files used in the application and download the necessary ones, click on the “All files” button.  

There are two types of messages available for sending in the lower block: reply (sent directly to the user) and internal note (comments):


The latter is used for internal communication between employees and is not available for displaying to the client. Accordingly, through internal notes  you can clarify information from colleagues, put likes/dislikes, exchange memes, as well as request information from partners by mail who are not working in the system.  

In the upper right corner in the block for writing a reply there is a button with Macros - with their help you can perform several actions simultaneously, as well as a button for selecting a template reply. Both of these buttons allow speeding up the speed of the operator's work:


In the right block various fields and attributes of the request are available for editing: department, assignee, status, priority and request type:


There are also such fields as SLA (service level agreement). As soon as a client creates a request in the department to which the SLA plan is bound, the set metrics start counting down in it. A timer is displayed next to the request name - it shows the nearest metric that will be violated first:


Once the employee writes the first response in the request, the “SLA on agent's first reply” metric will disappear, but the “SLA for completion” will still remain.

This way employees will always be aware of how much time they have left before each metric is violated.

At the end of the SLA period, automatic actions can be performed: change the priority of the request to urgent, send notifications to the responsible employees, etc.. SLA is especially relevant when dealing with urgent requests.  


Freezing of requests is used when the operator knows that he will not start processing the request soon and it is necessary to postpone the ticket until a certain date (or until the user responds), or when he is waiting for additional information on the request from the client, and the request should not distract until the new information arrives.  

Here you can also specify tags that allow you to categorize requests:


The labeled list is displayed on the left side of the general requests list screen:


The last in the right part of the request interface are “customs fields”. They allow to display different types of fields in the request, which are absent by default (text fields, checkboxes, lists, buttons, etc.).