Views (filters)

Often there is a situation when you need to have certain orders selected according to specific criteria at hand: for example, to display all closed orders for the last 7 days. Or simply display a list of requests that have the same type and executor. But how to do this if there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of different requests in the system?

For such cases, DaoDesk offers the use of views (filters). Filters can be of the following types:

  • global;
  • personal;
  • end-user.

Personal ones are created only by the system user for himself, while global and client filters can be customized by selecting access for all system users with the appropriate access type, as well as for individual user groups. 

When setting accesses for parent and child filters, there should be no conflict between them. If access to a user group is not set in the parent filter, it is not possible to set access to this group in the child filter. In other words, you can adjust access for child filters only according to the access set in the parent filter.

For example, the parent filter has access to the Operators and Technologists user groups. In the child filter we can leave access only for Technologists, but we will not be able to add access to the Lawyers group.

To create or customize a filter in the general list of requests, click on the "Views settings” button: 


In the filter settings, you can specify:

  • Name;
  • View type (personal, global, end-user).
  • View conditions - only requests matching the specified conditions will be displayed in the filter. You can add several conditions to the filter using “and”, as well as set the display of requests when they match at least one specified condition using “or”.  
  • Advanced customization:

At the bottom of the page, there will be an option to set advanced customization for the filter. You will be able to specify:

  • Parent view. For example, the filter “My” is the parent filter for the filters “open”, “in progress”, closed”:
  • Hide view when it has 0 requests. If no request falls under the conditions of the filter, it will not be displayed in the general list of requests.
  • Color. Allows you to set the filter color.
  • Icon. Allows you to set the filter icon.
  • Force sort. Applies forced sorting by the selected column and direction. If this setting is set, the ability to sort requests in the list will be disabled.