List of requests

The list of requests is the main working page for helpdesk operators, so it is important to master this tool to the maximum. In this article we will analyze in detail the interface of the request list and its elements.

Let's start in order: on the left side in a separate column there are views (filters of requests):


Why do you need them? At any moment you can use them to go to the list of specific requests. For example, the “Inbox” filter by default displays all current unopened requests, “My” allows you to quickly move to your own requests with a breakdown by status, “Unassigned” - to quickly track requests that still have not been assigned an executor, and other filters.  

There can be a huge number of filters with different conditions: track urgent requests with overdue SLA for today, requests with a specific category (individual field), label, date of creation, by a specific client or company, etc.. But one of the key features of the filters is that the number of requests against each filter is updated in real time. Thus, you can quickly track the current number of requests in each filter and, for example, evaluate the current load. 

Below the list with filters are the “tags”:  


Most likely you do not have anything displayed there now. The point is that labels are disabled by default, so first you need to set access to them for the required groups of employees in the “Groups, access rights” menu:


But that's not all, because tags need to be created first, and you can do it on the right panel inside the request: 


Tags are one of the main attributes for categorizing and tracking requests. The use of tags will greatly simplify the search for relevant requests, as they will allow you to quickly navigate through the various issues and tasks where they have been assigned.  

The list of employees who are authorized in the system and have recently performed some action (opened an application, wrote a reply, refreshed the page, etc.) is displayed at the very bottom under the "Views settings” button:


Please note that the “Online” block in the general list of requests has nothing to do with the personal status of an employee (which is displayed by clicking on the avatar in the lower left corner): this place simply displays the employees authorized in the system who have performed some action recently: viewed requests, wrote a reply to them or simply refreshed the page of the requests list. They will be displayed in this section regardless of what personal status they have. 


Now let's move on to the general list of requests.

An Request search is available in the upper right corner:

The search is based on attributes such as:

1) the subject (title) of the request and the content of its first response;

2) by unique request ID;

3) department, request creator (email) and executor;

4) values of individual text fields.

Requests can be searched both by individual words and word combinations that are located anywhere in the first response. The first answer means the very first post in the request, regardless of its author (employee or client). For example:


If the searched word/word combination was written somewhere in other answers (not the first one) or in internal notes, the request will not be found!

Also the search is performed only by whole words. On the example of the screenshot above: if you search for “Hello” - the request will be found, but if you search for “ello” - it will not be found.